Highlighting unknown, obscure or simply excellent musicians

A small personal website with the aim to share detailed release information for a number of artists, but also to highlight some items from my collection

Previous Stuff

  • While re-designing this website, I took the time to make some big changes for メトロノーム ‘s entry. I basically re-scanned artwork for some releases and added missing releases, including albums 5th狂逸インパクト and 阿吽回廊, singles 阿ッとして吽 and 箱庭空間 and miscellaneous releases 誰のせい and 致死量フリーク 症例・2. Their discography should now be more complete then ever!

    I have furthermore bought 13 older releases including the last missing singles, albums and some nice miscellaneous stuff. Scans will be added once the package has arrived!

  • Out of nowhere Angel-TAKA announced on Instagram that UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ will continue as a new formation under the name Neu:NOIZ!

    Further details are unknown, including any new band members, but their first gig will be on the 29th of June in Tokyo! Wouldn’t it be something when at least TAKEswiy returned to the band…?

    I now need to contemplate about whether I will add this incarnation under UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ or as a new band…

  • Mumm-Ra are starting to develop a feeling for out-of-the-blue releases. In 2013 and 2014 they dropped a single and mini-album out of nowhere. Then a compilation album in 2020 and now, TODAY, they dropped a new single called called washout. Now available on all major platforms!

  • After 12 years, a previously unknown CD version pops up on the internet for Mirrors’ debut album Lights And Offerings. It is a withdrawn edition! Details can be found here!

  • UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ unfortunately announced today that they will go on hiatus after their last gig in early February 2024! It seems that 呼太郎 wanted to leave which prompted MASATO to leave as well. This means there aren’t any guitarists left in the band and they lost one of their main songwriters and long-term members (MASATO, who joined in 1999).

    Angel-TAKA indicated that he will think about a new band, but details are unknown at this moment.

  • In the past few months I have been adding all missing UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ releases including a few regular commercial singles and a ‘recent’ concert-only single.

    The best addition was however added yesterday which is a very rare early cassette from the late 90’s called G・O・D! Click the link for more details.

  • Latest collection feature

    Queen US shop display

    Queen were on a roll during the early 80’s. They had a massive hit under their belt with the album The Game in 1980 and released a nice soundtrack album a few months later for Flash Gordon. In November 1981 they released their first compilation album called Greatest Hits, featuring most of their singles. It became an instant success and has to date sold over 25 million copies world wide!

    In order to promote the album, some nice marketing items were made including, but not limited to, posters and promotional copies of the album itself. Besides those items, the US had a mobile shop display which is featured in the photo. It measures 37x37cm/14.5×14.5in in size and the logo, album title and group photo are cut out and tied together with some strings. This allows the outer edge to move and rotate separately from the two inner parts, making a nice effect when in motion.

    A lot of copies were returned or binned after the promotional period ended, making this a hard to find item these days. In fact, this is arguably true for most shop displays so grab it if you find one!