If you navigate through this website, you will find out that I dig a number of Japanese artists. One of them is Imitation PoPs 宇宙戦隊NOIZ, aka UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ (宇宙戦隊/uchusentai means “space squadron”).
In September 2007 the band embarked on an event where they gave 32 gigs during 32 days. Apart from this they also released 13 special CD-singles, among other promotional items including this nice calendar.

Front artwork with signatures

Cards for months January-April

Cards for months May-August

Cards for months September-December
It comes in a plastic hard shell (bottom right) which can be opened to reveal 12 individual cards, one for each month, representing the artwork for each CD-single. The front image, on a separate card, is the 13th single and a 14th card is a blue backing card containing a short write-up about the band.
This particular copy is signed boldly in grey ink on the front of the plastic case!
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